In His Presence

"You have made known to me the paths of life; you fill me with joy in your presence." Acts 2:28 I have decided to start a blog because I have been finding so many other blogs so inspiring over the last few days. Hopefully, this one will be inspiring to you!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So the decision is in . . . isn't she gorgeous? She is a non-shedding, hypoallergenic dog, absolutely beautiful. Just like the dog I seen at the shelter. Not a Labradoodle but a Portuguese Water Dog that can be CKC registered unlike Labradoodles. Slightly smaller than a standard labradoodle - however, the male is about the same size. She's a real beauty. Now to make a few phone calls.



Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Decisions! Decisions!

Ok - for all of you who know me well you know that I''ve basically wanted a dog ever since my Labrador Retriever, Thunder, passed away. So ever since I was in Grade 10, I've wanted a dog.
I absolutely love dogs. In High school I wanted a Newfoundland Dog or a Bernese Mountain Dog. Eventually I decided that a Newfoundland Dog drools way too much.

When I was in university I always wanted a Chocolate Lab or a Golden Retriever. I was so certain that when I got my first teaching job that is what I would get. One of those two. But then I moved away to work and was not allowed to have dogs in my apartment. And then one night while searching online I discovered Labradoodles.

I had decided at that time - that I would get a Labradoodle. I absolutely love Multi-gen Labradoodles. Now, they are expensive but they are gorgeous! I just feel like this is my dog, the dog that I absolutely want.

Then I discovered when you do not groom a poodle it looks like a Labradoodle to some extent. So I began to look into them.

And now - a dog that I have admired all of my life - I finally know the name of (Airedale Terrier) so I am interested in that dog.

HOwever, I keep liking the fact that some dogs don't shed - which I like very much. You know that chocolate labs and golden retrievers shed like crazy! But they are so cute and adorable. Labradoodles don't shed... airedale terriers don't shed, and poodles don't shed. So the question is what do I love the most and I am pretty sure I know that it is Labradoodles. I love Labradoodles! And they are BIG!!! just the way I love them.

anyway, must run and hurry up and make a decision. I just think I should get the dog that I am most in love with which I truly believe would be a Labradoodle!

must run and not worry about my future dog.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

It is OK to be Single! I AM COMPLETE AS I AM!

Two and half years ago I was in the process of writing my Preliminary Papers to be accepted to the College for Officer Training to become a Salvation Army Officer. On that paper was a question that I remember well: If you are single, are you content about being single? Will you be content throughout officership?

At the time I was teaching in the best place in the world, Makkovik, Labrador and I answered without hesitating, “Yes, I am content being single.” And then at that time I was very content about being single. I felt alive as me. I was Rebecca Pretty: a music teacher, a person who loves God, a person called by God to minister in the Salvation Army, a person who loves living in the Aboriginal Culture, a person who loves winter, loves dogs, loves music, loves children. At the time when I signed that Preliminary paper in June 2006, knowing the rules and regulations of the Salvation Army regarding marriages, I was very content with being single. I was happy to be Rebecca Pretty. Even my remaining year in Makkovik, I was content to single. I loved what I was doing – I loved everything about it and when I was accepted to Training College in March 2007, I truly felt a peace that passeth all understanding. I was content to be a single woman of God. I was ok with that!

But recently, about two months ago to be exact, one day I suddenly became very discontent about being single. It was unexpected to me, I did not expect to feel what I was feeling. A feeling of loneliness swept over me suddenly as I sat in a particular place. Although, throughout the summer, I did have fears of single officership – “Will I be able to do this on my own?” “Will I enjoy living on my own?” However, in the summer at Wascana Park in Regina I found myself in the park laying these fears at Jesus’ feet and felt good about it after that part even though, fears would creep in occasionally. But two months ago I never really expected to feel the way I did and it took me by surprise with the way I felt.

For the last two months have struggled with the whole idea of single officership. I have wondered time and time again if I will ever really be content while single. I have cried! I have bought stuffed toys! (ha ha – I know) I have laughed too! I have screamed! I have done some serious journaling! I have prayed! I have been angry – perhaps a bit bitter! I have been very discontent about being single.

Now I will admit, it would be a lie to say that I do not dream of being married. Yes, of course I do. I would love to share my life with a Christian man who I could pray with and love and I have for years prayed for that special person to pray with! I will continue to pray that way – but today I realized something very important.

Today, something inside of me clicked as I had a very real conversation about being single with another person about being single. The question asked – “Are you content, as Rebecca?”

Yes! I am content as Rebecca! I am content to be me, to love God, to be a part of God’s family, to minister in the Salvation Army, to love dogs - perhaps even spoil them, to love going for walks, to do my own thing, to be independent, to love my family and my friends, and to love scrapbooking and playing piano. To be me! But I think what the problem is – since I left Labrador, I have gradually forgot about being Rebecca!
I have forgot that I am still able to be me! I am able to read books (but who really wants to you when you are in school – ha ha). I am able to go for winter walks. I am able to learn knitting. I am able to be me! I am able to totally place my complete trust in Him, and be content.

Today... I can truly say that I have changed my perspective on how I feel as “single”. Although, I will sometimes have a fear of growing old alone - I know I’m weird but you have to remember I do not have siblings and although, I may sometimes wish in officership that it would be nice to have someone stand by my side or discuss items of conflict with, having a man by my side will not make me complete. I am complete as Rebecca, a child of God, called to be a Salvation Army officer. I will be content as single officer, as a person who loves serving her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. I will be content in knowing Him. Although, I have read Christian living books about being single in the past, I never thought I would be able to say that I agree with them. No matter how “interesting” those books have sounded to me in the past, meaning I did not agree exactly with what they said, I now agree with them.

I am content to be single. I am content to be who I am and I have decided that I do not need anything, only Christ, to make me complete. So as I remain single – scrapbooking whenever I want, walking whenever I want, having whatever dog I want, I will enjoy my singleness to the fullest and remain content in being Rebecca.

This has been a day full of many blessings, a day full of much learning, and day full of much growth. And if or until one day a nice Christian man comes my way who would love to minister with me and we would complement each others ministry, I will still be content in being single and serving God as a single officer in the Salvation Army until that does or does not happen.

Thank you Lord for enabling me to listen today as you spoke through your servant. Thank you Lord for bringing me to do the things that I used to do. Thank you Lord for letting me realize that I am complete without a man, and that being single does not mean that I do not have anything special to share with someone else. May you be with me as I step out on my own to minister. May you give me people to support me in ministry whom I can trust. May you continue to bless my friendships, those at home, and those at college and may you allow me to feel whole in serving you. I love you Lord. Thank you for today!

Friday, January 02, 2009


I am so happy that I had the opportunity to go home to Newfoundland for Christmas. Although my stay in Newfoundland was short (7 days), it was an absolute blessing. Returning home for Christmas to be with family (especially to see my dad for the first time since his amputation) and friends was the best thing that I could have done. You see, my family is very important to me, and since I do not have any siblings, friendships are extremely important! I cherish both my family and my friends and I work extremely hard to keep my treasured friendships. What a blessing!

Going home on plane on Christmas Eve, there was a couple of moments where I thought I would never make it home. Before I had even left the tarmack in Winnipeg, I was minus 20 minutes to make my connection in Halifax and the delays just kept getting worse. However, the whole time I was on the plane I kept thinking how fortunate we are to be able to fly all over the place and we can be anywhere in the world within a day. We are a privileged people - although many people do not always realize this fact. Anyway, that was all I could think about - how fortunate we are to be able to fly on airplanes. Although I was uncertain for I would make it to Newfoundland on Christmas Eve, I was extremely thankful and blessed on my journey that day.

Well I did make it to Newfoundland on Christmas Eve!!!!! YEAH!!! I was sooo happy to see my family at the airport - Dad, Mom, Momcoop, and Nanny. I was beyond happy to see my DAD. This summer I was very close to losing my dad through an infection in his leg. He was very sick. However, God played a big role in my dad's life, and my dad received wonderful hospital care, and now today - literally today, he is on his way back to work with his new prosthetic leg!!! It is quite amazing actually. In five months, he has come so far and I am so thankful to God that He heard our prayers and was faithful!!! What a time my dad and mom have had, but God has been faithful! Yeah - I love my dad! And I love you too MOM.

The week home at Christmas - also allowed me to see some very special people, some wonderful friends and role models.

- God made it possible that I see a friend from music school that I hadn't seen in a year and half. I was so blessed to see her and hopefully we will be better able to keep in contact now.

- I was also blessed to spend "alone" time with each of my grandmothers. Chatting with momcoop in her house was quite loverly one afternoon - hearing all the old stories of her and Dadcoop. And then playing a good game of QUEENS with Nanny, my all time childhood card game that myself, Nanny and grandfather used to have when I went camping with them.

- I was blessed to share a meal with a very special person from my home corps, a person who has been very supportive to me ever since I was a child and a person who has always been a great encourager. Thanks for sharing a meal with us Sandra!

- I was blessed to see some of my bestest friends in the whole world - Melanie and Beth and then including seeing Crystal and Shawn in Abbotsford. (Abbotsford was a GODSEND in itself!!!) However, Crystal and Shawn drove out to see me late one night and spent a couple of hours with me there!!!!

- I was blessed to attend my home corps on Sunday morning. Quite a blessing!

- It was a blessing to spend time with my wonderful aunt and uncle when they returned home.

I am so thankful to God for this past week - a week that I much needed. As I said, my family is very important and so are my friends. My friends are wonderful and I thank God for them.

May we have a very happy New Year and may be keep our eyes fixed on God as he works all around us!

Blessings to each of you,