In His Presence

"You have made known to me the paths of life; you fill me with joy in your presence." Acts 2:28 I have decided to start a blog because I have been finding so many other blogs so inspiring over the last few days. Hopefully, this one will be inspiring to you!

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Roads are Plowed

Today the roads are being plowed in town. That is a big deal. It is exciting because I think "spring" is coming! It was actually refreshing to see a truck parked outside of the school today. However, it is a bit sad because there is no more riding machine for me for awhile. But that is ok... I loved every minute of riding machines here! With all of that being said we still have a lot of snow around town but it was getting bad on the roads so they plowed the roads. Not all the roads are plowed yet but they are hard at it today! This means... maybe I'll get some walking in!

We had a good time this weekend at the church as a couple from Tribal Trails were here. They had a lovely concert last night which was wonderful. They shared their testimonies which was really touching. Hopefully they will be able to return to Labrador sometime again in the future!
God is good!


Saturday, May 26, 2007

I'm in His Hands

I'm in His hands, I'm in His hands,
Whate'er the future holds, I'm in His hands,
The days I cannot see
Have all been planned for me;
His way is best, you see;
I'm in His hands.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Some of My Favourite Birthday Parties . . .

So my mom really loved planning for my birthday parties, right mom? No... she really did! She would always ask me what theme I wanted and then her and I would head to Woolco and get all the decorations and invitations that were needed. She would buy loot bag things and she made sure that there was a prize for each child at the party. I loved my birthday parties and I loved planning for them. I had a Care Bears birthday, a Crayon Birthday, a Mickey Mouse Birthday... I know that I had more but I can picture these Birthday cakes in my head. My mom used to decorate all of my cakes and she always did a fantastic job decorating.

Yeah... I always enjoyed my birthday parties.

Here are a couple of Birthday Party Memories . . .

*For my 9th Birthday, my parents decided to take a group of us Bowling in Bay Roberts. I remember my dad drove my Nanny's and grandfather's car and I went with him with my two best friends at the time. I remember being in the car and on the way over saying to my dad this: Dad, I'm sitting with my two bridemaids here. Funny hey... what you think when you are a kid. Actually, if I ever get married, one of them will definitely stand at my wedding because she is still one of my closest friends.

* At my Crayola Crayons Birthday Party, my mom had done a beautiful job decorating my cake... it looked like a pack of crayola crayons and I spilled my coke over part of it.

*My favourite birthday was my birthday party that I had in grade 6. I had a sleep over... well I can't say we actually slept. We stayed up all night watching movie after movie, playing "Truth, Dare, and Double Dare", and we watched some of the play offs between Los Angeles and ?. That was the only hockey game that I ever watched in my life... a full game anyway. It was a wicked fun birthday party.

*Oh, and I always had a family birthday party too where my parents, grandparents, cousins, aunt and uncle, and one friend were there. It would always be a POT LUCK of which my mom made delicious food, and lots and lots of cookies. It was always a nice time.

Can't you all feel the excitement in your stomach for your birthday parties? It was such an awesome feeling. Thanks mom and dad!

Alright, have a great day!

God Bless,

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Moment of Reflecting. . . The Things I LOVE!

1. I love GOD! It's amazing to see what He continues to do daily in so many lives. I just wish that more people would see how amazing He is!
2. I love reading my Bible! I especially love the Books of James, Ephesians, Romans, and Nehemiah.
3. I love playing piano and singing, especially when I am alone!
4. I love hanging out with other people who have similar interests to me.
5. I love READING. I love reading about anything that I am interested in knowing more about.
6. I love my family... this should have been my #2 answer. My family is close knit and I am thankful that I grew up in such a supportive home! I love my parents very much.
7. I love working at CAMP. I wish I could be at a camp everyday of the year. The five summers that I worked at camp always had such a great impact on my life. I worked 2 summers at Burry Heights United Church Camp, Kippewa All Girls Camp for one summer, and THe Salvation Army Camp in North Carolina for 2 summers. Wish I could be at the last camp this year!
8. I love the verse Hebrews 12:2. I never in my life had a verse that stayed with me as much as this one.
9. I love working with kids.
10. I love teaching students when they really desire to learn music or at least have fun with it. . . my fiddle group, junior choir, and grade 12s. (As a side note: I really cannot stand attitude from my students... but I keep saying to myself", "Be an example!")
11. I love travelling. I would go just about anywhere I think! I really want to go to Caribbean for a trip in the near future. Maybe I may be able to save a bit more money perhaps, now that would be a sweet deal.
12. I love snowmobiling. This is my new found love since living here although sometimes I am still rather nervous about going up steep embankments and that's when I make Carla drive! (My roommate is great!)
13. I love helping other people and being there to listen to them if they need someone to listen.
14. I love anything and everything to do with church. I feel most at home when I am at church!
15. I love playing in all ensembles and playing all instruments well maybe not clarinet but everything else that I have tried to play or play.

I am so thankful for all the things I have been able to experience in my life thus far!

God, I pray Lord that I will continue to have a love for these things. I ask Lord that you be at the centre of each of them and that You would continue to be my guide! Thank you for everything that you do in our lives each and everyday!

With much love and praise,

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Winter Storm in MAY. . .

I honestly can't believe it. . . it is May 16th and we are having blustery winter weather. Last year at this time we could walk on the sand by now but apparently that was a strange year. Today we are having SNOW and BLOWING SNOW. I never ever experienced snow on my birthday but there definitely will be snow around for Monday and lots of it still I think. So that is rather interesting and different for me. I wish I could take a video to show you the weather, it really does just amaze me.

Enjoy your day!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Hi! It is May 12th and we are still enjoying "WINTER"activities. It is hard to believe that you can still drive machine on the ice and it is completely safe. Rock Solid! Today, I went ice fishing with a couple in the community. I caught one trout. It was a fair size. I am going to have it for lunch tomorrow. We drove a way I had not been yet so that was nice and it was beautiful. The background was very hilly. Nice hey? Anyway, I just wanted to say that it is May 12th and we still have lots and lots and lots of snow. But the snow makes for nice outtings!
Have a great day!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Even when something bad and awkward happens in your day, God always has a way to make you smile. At one point of the day, I had a really bad moment that put me in a somewhat bad mood. But this afternoon that all changed when one of my little students came up, passed in her work, and stood up along side of me, wrapping her arms around me and placing her head on me until all the rest of the students had the sheet passed into me. That made my day and tonight it was no different. I passed out 4 pieces of music to the Fiddle group and before it was over I had to go get more music. They ate them up... yeah... see there are big smiles on my face now!

Have a day filled with many blessings!

Monday, May 07, 2007

OK... So I have lost my voice! It's really weird! Yesterday in church my voice felt a little crackly when I sung, however, I never thought anything about it. Today I woke up a little hoarse... it went away after I had something to drink. But during my second last class I felt something weird happen to my voice and from about 5 oclock to now my voice has been getting progressively worst. I can hardly talk. So I am trying not to talk for the remainder of the night. Now that's difficult! Just kiddin' '! I hope my voice returns in the morning. I need to be able to sing tomorrow. I have primary classes!!!

Have a great day ! I'm going to curl up in a blanket and read. Yeah!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hi Everyone!

I am getting so excited! It is May month already. I turn 25 in 19 days or something like that. But that;s not why I am excited. It is sooo close to me starting the new adventure in my life. When I was in St. John's I went to the Trade and tried on some uniform blouses and the raglin. It made it seem so real that I will indeed be entering CFOT in September. And today it hit me how fast time has flew since January 2006 when I first made my decision. Wow... things are good! I am super excited. However, with that being said, I will miss J.C.E.M and Makkovik. I will miss winter here although it is now time for the snow to go. We are still driving skidoos to school on May 2 and I say we will be riding to school for least another week and a half. So I probably won't miss winter going into May. But I will miss it and the students that I taught while I was here. But God is good and I know that He will be with me as I move to Winnipeg in September and start this new adventure in my life.

Exciting stuff, hey?

Alright, I am going to run... get some school work done.

In Faith