In His Presence

"You have made known to me the paths of life; you fill me with joy in your presence." Acts 2:28 I have decided to start a blog because I have been finding so many other blogs so inspiring over the last few days. Hopefully, this one will be inspiring to you!

Friday, February 20, 2009


In our second year of Training College we go away as a session for a Life Enrichment Retreat at a resort here in Manitoba. This year the retreat was held from February 13th - 15th - last weekend. What a blessing! Truly, something I needed!

It was wonderful to spend time with God this weekend and spend time with my sessionmates. It was great to keep building bonds and connections with each of them. It was even more fun to try and figure out where we are all going. Lunch and dinner discussions always circled around educated guesses where we each are going. I think I have them all nailed down - not really. However, my guesses would be lovely places where God could use my sessionmates. However, we can all joke and say we are going to have a Mega Church together. On the way back in the van we assigned everyone to a role within the church. Very fun! Anyway, let's digress here. 62 sleeps and we will find out for real where we will be going!

So to the most important part. God really met me where I was at this weekend. And this whole week has been very enriching as I look back on this past weekend and reflect on what God spoke into my life last weekend. God has really spoke to me about the concept of honesty - being vulnerable, authentic and real. Don't get me wrong - I am an honest person but I can be better at if I am having a horrible day I am allowed to be vulnerable and say that when people ask me how I am doing. It is ok to be real with your people. But I guess this honesty thing really goes deeper than - I learned that I needed to be honest with how my identity was formed through God spiritually. It is ok to admit things that once felt shameful! And the matter is, once you are honest with yourself - you are released and free. WOW!! This weekend God's Spirit really touched my life and God revealed parts of me (my life) that I needed to be honest about. What a blessing!

I appreciated this weekend a whole lot! It was wonderful!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The BLESSINGS of Visitation

For myself, visitation has to be my most favourite thing to do in ministry. I consider it a real privilege to fellowship, pray with, and discuss spiritual matters with those who attend the church, avail of community ministries services, or people just from the community.

This summer, God allowed me to make over 45 visitations with different people, this does not include fellowshipping with people on a daily basis with those at community ministries or people who would randomly come into the church. Visiting people makes me tick! Walking along side of people and discipling them makes me tick!

You see, visiting people, walking along side of people, discipling people is where we see God at work and as we listen to the stories and chat about our spiritual lives, God is present, God is working!

I absolutely love it! How can pastors turn down this privilege?

Visitation is where seeds are planted, where seeds start to bloom, where the seeds growth sometimes becomes very evident to the person you are visiting.

God is wonderful and He is working - let's be assured of that! Visit, connect, and let the Kingdom of God grow for Him!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Well - I just finished writing a paper, my second paper in two days as well as a presentation so I have decided to give myself a BRAIN break before I read a book that I am reading as a part of my devotions.

I have noticed on peoples FACEBOOK lately all of these new notes called. . .
25 Random Things about Me... so I have decided to take part in this note thing, not on facebook but on my blog. So here are 25 random things about me.

1. I love God! and God moments and God Talk.
2. I am an only child as well as the youngest grandchild on one side, and the only on the other.
3. When I order a hamburger in a restaurant, especially A&W I like to eat it with a fork and knife.
4. When I am in pain, I rub my feet together.
5. I can only write a paper when I have this one instrumental song repeating in the background.
6. I love to eat olives when I study.
7. I really wish that I could stop biting my nails - I have been biting them since grade 2.
8. I have broken my arm twice.
9. I can cross my legs over twice... well, I don't really know how to explain this.
10. I was six weeks early and still a 9 pound baby.
11. When I was a little girl I sold dandelions on the side of the road for 25 cents each to teachers.
12. I enjoy going grocery shopping at Sobey's on Friday nights by myself.
13. I can only sleep on my stomach - and I take up the whole bed!
14. If I could live way way up NORTH in an Aboriginal setting, I would.
15. I love winter - although, I do not enjoy wearing DRESS pants in the cold.
16. I have a doll Polly that I have had since Cabbage Patch Kids came out - I was almost three when I got her.
17. I like to eat an orange like an apple - with the peel and all.
18. I learned how to drive by backing up a line and driving down front on... that's my dad!
19. I own way too many Jessie Dolls, and Music Books.
20. I love to scrapbook.
21. When I'm sick, I want to be by myself - No trouble to tell I'm my mother's daughter.
22. I am afraid of transport trucks.
23. I duck from pigeons... ask my friends.
24. It doesn't bother me living in isolation - however, roads are nice!
25. My first vehicle was a snowmobile.

So there you have it - 25 random things about me - although some of them are not so random. Anyway, hope you enjoyed..

Have a great night.