In His Presence

"You have made known to me the paths of life; you fill me with joy in your presence." Acts 2:28 I have decided to start a blog because I have been finding so many other blogs so inspiring over the last few days. Hopefully, this one will be inspiring to you!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

My Last 2 Days On Winter Assignment

I am happy to report that I had a marvelous time in Fredericton. Everyone who I worked with was absolutely great and I enjoyed each moment immensely. It was wonderful to be finally doing what I believe God has called me to do. Although I do miss teaching and I especially miss the community where I taught, I know I am where God would have me to be and I am certain of this. I looked at Major Leo at one point throughout the week and I said, " Teaching does not compare to this for me." WOW! Just being able to help people and share God's love with people always made my day. When in ministry you have the opportunity to be a person of many hats and boy isn't that true! One minute you are a spiritual adviser, the next minute a musician, then a counsellor, a banker, and the list goes on. I loved it at the Fredericton Community Church.

My last two days were just as enjoyable as the rest. On Saturday my schedule changed a few times but I expect that to be the case as an officer as well. My final schedule allowed me to serve on the kettles in the Regent Mall. It is interesting to see the different faces you get when you say Merry Christmas. I wish I had a camera. Kettle duty on Saturday was great. I enjoyed talking to people and I enjoyed watching the children. In the morning I prepared for children's time.

On Sunday I headed to church, chatted with the congregation, was excited to see our special volunteer in church, and the participated in the service. I led the opening song. (I am not too sure about leading the congregation... I think after conducting choirs and bands... I want to really CONDUCT. So I sort of stand there not knowing what to do but wave my hand to the beat. OK... something I will work on.) Sarah and I read the Advent reading and then led Shine Jesus Shine. Later I did children's time and accompanied Bethann to sing. Worship was great. Throughout the service I could hear Major Brenda's voice in my head... things taught in class and I think I really learned the importance of going over the service a few times before doing it. God deserves the best and I believe now that is the best thing to do.

After the service I headed to the officers house for dinner and then I hung out with their family. I enjoyed my time. We then headed to the church for the . . . " EVALUATION ". It went well. I said my goodbyes, quickly headed back to the apartment, backed my bag quickly, washed dishes quickly, and loaded the car to head to the airport. I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Fredericton and I look forward to further ministry opportunities in the future.

God Bless

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ok... so I will update on my last two days in FRedericton once I get home to NEwfoundland... right now I feel a little too tired right now:) Alright, chat soon.

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Special Volunteer. . .

For the past four years this special voluteer, a retired man, has helped the Salvation Army here with its Christmas hampers and toy center. For three weeks during Christmas he comes to the church to help from 8:30 to 4:30 each day. This man is not Salvation Army, he is someone from the community but he has a special story and he shared it with me today as he said his Good-Byes to me. (I just thought he was the Santa Claus Incarnate).

Well this is his story:) In the 1930s his grandparents moved here from the USA. Once they arrived his grandparents were having a hard time. His grandparents were not well off, they were struggling financially. Christmas was approaching and the grandparents knew that their kids would not have an enjoyable Christmas: they could not afford to buy anything for them. On Christmas Eve, they had a surprise knock come on their door. When they answered it was THe Salvation Army with a hamper and a few items for the kids. Somehow the Salvation Army had become aware of the Families situation and helped the family. The family was very thankful especially the kids. The kids remembered it and told their children.

As this special volunteer was growing up after hearing this story from his parents and grandparents, he realized the importance of helping others. From a very young age, this man would save all of his spare change throughout the year and when Christmas time came he would find a KETTLE and put his change in it. He learned the importance of giving and he has been that way ever since.

When he retired four years ago, he decided that it was time to volunteer with The Salvation Army for its Christmas Campaign and so for the past four years he has been there to volunteer. He said he loves to fill the toy bags with as much as possible to make all the kids happy. And something I have heard him say repeatedly... "Christmas is for the kids. Whatever I can do, I will do."

I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to meet this special volunteer.

May we have a wonderful Christmas as we celebrate the Birth of Christ!

God Bless,

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday. . .

Counted Kettle Money... Family Services... Food Bank... Kettle at Walmart... Family Services...Cooked Supper at Family Services Director's House:)

Just a quick note... I like the conversations that can get started at the kettle. The cool thing today is quite simple but wonderful. The greeter at the store is coming to the Christmas Eve Service and is interesting in coming to church on Sunday Mornings. Imagine what a simple hello can do?
Wish I could be there to see it all happen!

Hope everyone is having lots of fun witnessing. WOW!


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Special Moment. . .

Today has been another busy day as we brought people through to pick out toys for their children and distributed hampers to many families. However, the special moment that I want to share occured tonight as we visited the biggest home in Atlantic Canada. We went to the Alzheimers ward and all the residents were sitting down eating a bedtime snack. So the band started to play familiar Christmas carols. I sat down at one point by this really sweet lady and I was more than impressed and touched. The carol Silent Night started to play and I started to sing. When I started to sing, she started to join in. Our eyes instantly connected, and we continued to look at one another as we sang the song together. It was such a special moment. A woman who has difficulty knowing what is going on around her, immediately started to sing Silent Night. We sang a couple more songs together after that, which was just as enjoyable. However, this special moment truly blessed me and once again I realized the impact that God's gift of music has on each of us as we journey through life.

God Bless,

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday in Fredericton...

Today was another busy day but very rewarding. This was sponsor family pickup day at the church. We started at 9:00 handing out hampers and sponsor family gifts. It was nice to see the faces of the people when they seen what they had received. People were thankful!!! It is nice to see God working through other people.

At 12:00 I went to the J.O.Y Dinner... Just Older Youth which is the Senior's Group. They had their Christmas Program today so I was invited to it. It was nice and the guest singer had a very inspirational devotional.

After the program was over at 2:00 I headed back to Family Services to help out. I organized some toys... then quickly ran to Walmart to pick up the last few items that we needed from applications that were passed in today. I bought the gifts and came right back... sorted them, straightened up many the gifts that needed to be straightened up. Then it was time to go.

Jen and I left the church went to Subway for supper. Ummm.... macademian nut cookies. That's for you Melissa and Danette. And it is the only reason I go to subway ha ha. After that I ran and changed into different clothes and headed back to the church to do Corps Books.

Doing the Corps Books was very exciting for me. Alright... I know I'm a geak but I LOVE MATH so doing the corps books I really had fun doing. They showed me some of the ins and outs of doing the money for the corps. I actually did the deposit book and counted money. It was cool. It was just something that I enjoy doing so I know I will like it... I better be careful about what I say because I might end up in the Finance Department... ha ha.

Well I left the church around 8:15 and headed to Walmart. Then I made my way back to the house. So I am here now going to write out a few Christmas cards before I head to bed. Going to be another great day tomorrow. We have more hampers going out and we will be walking people through our toy center. Should be fun times. Tomorrow night we head to York Manor to distribute Christmas gifts as the band plays throughout the retirement home.

I hope you are having a great day.

God Bless,

Monday, December 17, 2007

Today's Update. . .

Today I started my day of by counting kettle money, then I was asked to go to Family Services because they needed an extra hand. After that I shopping with Family Services again to purchase the final lot of presents. That was pretty neat once again. I never knew how much you can purchase in a little over an hour. I rushed back to the church, grabbed a quick bite to eat, and then went on the kettle at the Regent Mall. Had another interesting conversation with a man who looks like Santa. Each day he puts on a red shirt and jeans and ends to the mall. He walks around with a cart just to see the kids reactions. He wants to delight children so that nice. I also decided today that I wanted to give out Faith and Friends while on my three hour shift and that's what I did... I gave out over 50. I wonder if the people are reading them. I figure its a wonderful way to spread God's message. After my shift was over the officers picked me up and we went to a retirement home visiting. It was really nice. We spent time with them, then read the Christmas story, and prayed with them. It was very heart-warming. Now I am home just reflecting on my day, waiting for some pizza to be baked.

Hope you have a GREAT Spirit-filled day!

God Bless,

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday at Fredericton:)

This was supposed to be a very busy day but we are having a snowstorm:( Although I love snow I was a bit disappointed that I was not able to do my devotional at the home tonight... however, whenever the Spirit leads to use it, I will do it.

This morning I went to the worship service. I participated in the service by giving my testimony and then singing a song that represented my testimony well. I also played in the band this morning because the bandmaster wanted me to play. Then I led the last song of the service.
It was nice chatting with all the people this morning and hearing some their stories.
And when I get home I need to find out if there was ever a Major Cecil Pretty come out of Dildo because there was a PRETTY officer here around 60 years ago so the Pathyway of Duty will be coming out when I get home.

After the service was over Jen and I were invited over to the officers house for dinner. We stayed there until 4:30 when the decision was made to cancel for tonight. So now I am relaxing at Jen's apartment... sleeping, snacking, listening to worship music, and blogging... maybe I will read in a bit too!

Well tomorrow should be a good day... counting kettle money in the morning, then on the kettle for a while, and then visiting 3 people at a retirement home. I am really looking forward to the last adventure. Then we are going out for supper at Boston Pizza. Will be lots of fun!

Hope everyone is having a great day!
May God continue to bless all of you this wonderful Christmas season:)


Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday in Fredericton!

Well today I left the house at 8:45. I headed to the church and helped packed hampers. We packed a whole bunch of hampers today. I was scheduled to be packing hampers from 9:00 - 12:00 however God provided us with many over 20 volunteers who were excellent workers. All 250 plus hampers were packed in an hour. I don't know how we managed it but we did.

So then I went out and asked the Major some questions about kettles and Salvation Army ministry. IT was very enlightening! It also amazes me how much money is raised each year here in kettles alone. For a city of 50,000 people they raise a nice bit of money.

After that I stayed around the church and prepared for tomorrow. Then at 2:00 I was picked up to go on the kettles at the Food Court in the mall. It was a very interesting and fun experience. It was cute to see the little kids who would ask their parents for money to put in the kettle. They were little sweet hearts:)

Around 4:30 I had a man come up to me as I was standing by the kettle. He had recently come here to visit for 6 months from the Middle East. He is here visiting his son who came here for university. He never spoke English before until he moved here 3 months ago. So he came over to chat to me and when he noticed the Salvation Army, he wanted to know what it was all about. He thought at first it was part of the military I think although he had showed me a Watchtower that he had been given since arriving here. HE had tons of questions about Protestant and Catholic and what Christianity was about. He was Muslim but he was so interested in knowing about Jesus and Christmas. I must have been chatting to him for 20-30 minutes. I even had a pronounciation lesson with him since he had a book on learning how to read and write English with different pronounciation that was handed to him with the Watchtower. I had a great discussion with him about the different beliefs and how Christians believe that Jesus is the MEssiah and He is here to save the world. I told him how God cares for us and loves us. He asked me questions in simple form and then I handed him a faith and friends, gave him the Salvation Army website, and told him to phone the Salvation Army in Fredericton. I truly believe we will hear from him. He is very interested in Christianity and he wants people to help him while he is here. I think he stopped at the right place. Anyway, I truly had the opportunity to witness today. I am not sure how much he understood but I do know that he understood some. When I told him that God cares for us... he was amazed!!!
Anyway, that was my highlight of my day. I wonder will I see him again while I am here?

I finished on kettles at 6:00, went for supper, hung out at the mall while Jen supervised her youth group on kettles, and then we went grocery shopping. Anyway, tomorrow I have church, dinner, retirement home, retirement home again, and then a Band gathering. Should be a fun-filled and most importantly Spirit-filled day!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Full Day 2

I had another full day today. It was a lot of fun and I am continuously being blessed by God as I do His work here in Fredericton.

This morning I was at the church at 8:30. I counted kettle money for awhile, then I made a couple of phone calls, had a coffee break (tea break for me), and then I went shopping with Family Services for 2.5 hours. We bought 4 huge cart fulls of gifts and we still need to purchase more. Then I came back to the church, ate lunch, unpacked and labelled toys, helped pack fruit in shopping bags, and then I did whatever else needed to be done. Tomorrow we pack hampers all day!

I am amazed by the Adopt a Family program. People are so generous and I am just elated to see people being touched by God and called by God to adopt families for Christmas. It is great!

We left the church at 4:45, went for supper to Pizza Delight (yeah for Pizza Delight), and then Jennifer and I headed to the LaPointe's Christmas Concert for 6:00. It was a wonderful, Spirit-filled concert. I was so blessed. I love going to programs where God's message is shared and people are witnessing for Him. I really enjoyed it. Thanks Jen!

And for now... I must prepare for Sunday night.

Have a great night! And I'll update some more tomorrow!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Update from Fredericton

Well I finally arrived in Fredericton yesterday at 5:00. I am so thankful to finally be here!!!!! This is very exciting to be out in the field!!!! This is what gets me pumped!

Last night, about an hour and a half after I arrived, I went to a service at a Nursing home. I was blessed. It was only a small home with about 15 people but it was nice sharing with the women who lived there. I love when people share their stories about God with me. I was blessed by a story last night. She was 99 years old and told me how God has changed her life and how she knows that He speaks to her daily. That made my day. She reminded me of my grandmother, even in here mannerisms. WOW!

Today, I went into the church. The church is a brand new building opened a year and half ago. It is beautiful and it has family and community services connected to it. Right now the gym is full of presents and food.
This morning I phoned about 50 families who are being sponsored with a pickup date and time so that was nice. Almost got through to everybody on the list.
It is nice to see Jesus' mission at work.

Then I went to a Public Relations Dinner... a nice turkey dinner as we heard what the Emergency Measures has done here throughout the year. It was an interesting experience.

After the luncheon, I went shopping with Family Services. We purchased some toys for the packages and hampers that are being packed. That was very rewarding. I loved it.

We shop again sometime tomorrow. After shopping we returned to the church, I went to the officers house for a while and then I went to the Women's Ministry Christmas Supper which was at a lady's house who is from St. John's and attended the Citadel when I was going to the Citadel... she moved year a year and half ago, so that was nice.

Anyway, I am so thankful to God for everything!!!! I hope the rest of my sessionmates are enjoying doing God's work too!!! Keep praising Him!
