In His Presence

"You have made known to me the paths of life; you fill me with joy in your presence." Acts 2:28 I have decided to start a blog because I have been finding so many other blogs so inspiring over the last few days. Hopefully, this one will be inspiring to you!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Being a Christlike example

It is very important for us to be Christlike examples for others. Somedays this is easier than others and today I was on the "others" side. I felt very discouraged about my Christlike example when I returned home from school around suppertime tonight. I was in such a foul mood over unimportant things really. . . a messy classroom made very messy by my students, a couple rude comments by students, and minor other things that built up throughout the day. Normally, I try to be very positive but today was different and by this afternoon at 3:30 I was in a foul mood and by the time I got home suppertime I was discouraged about the example I was living.

Every morning during my devotional I pray that I will be a Christlike example for others throughout the day. I pray that I am able to let my light shine for others to see Christ in me. I pray that people would see how wonderful living for God is by my example. I believe that as Christians we should be trying to do this daily for Him.

I know that as a Christian I should have a positive attitude, I should not be judgemental, I should not participate in gossip, I should not be critical of other Christian friends.... but I should be setting an example. I should only be living for an audience of one, Jesus. I should be living in response to God and not in response to others. I should be trying my best to be more and more like Christ. I should try to be "SET APART". By SET APART I mean... we should be "set apart" for God. Other people around should be able to look at us and know that we are followers of Christ, that Christ is indeed alive in us. I do not want people to look at me and wonder... why is she a Christian, she's no different? That's sad hey?

Yes, it is sad and I feel sad for the way my foul mood affected me today. With this being said. . . another co-worker told me that I was being too hard on myself, that no one is perfect. I do not believe that I was. I believe as Christians we have to set the standard high for ourselves, we cannot let ourselves slip causing others to see us as hypocrites or causing ourselves to be a stumbling block to others. Well for me this afternoon I just know that at that moment I did not have the attitude that God would have wanted me to have.

I am not really sure why this has had such an intense effect on me today but it certainly has. I think it has just accumulated over the past couple of days and I have grown so much in my Christian walk that I don't want to slip. I want to be living the life that God wants me to live. I want to do everything according to His purposes. I want to be "set apart" by God. I want Him to be at the center of my life. I want to be a Christlike example. I want Christ to be alive in me.

"Jesus, help me to live only in your footsteps. Help me to only walk in your ways. Help me to only do what you want me to say or do."
I just pray that each day as Christians that we are only striving to be more and more like Christ. That we are striving to let our light shine.

Many blessings,


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